The United Way of North Idaho is serving as a lead partner and fiscal agent for the North Idaho Education Partnership (NIEP), working to strengthen the link between education and business for middle and high-school students. NIEP is the local cohort of a statewide effort to increase the number of Idahoans pursuing college and career training after high school to 60%. Initially funded by a College Access Grant, the Educate Idaho Network builds regional partnerships among passionate community leaders to accomplish this goal.
In its first year, the group seeks to increase the number of students using the Department of Labor’s Career Information System (CIS). CIS equips users with career mapping, resume building tools, job shadowing and internship opportunities, and makes the connection between school, learning, and a future in the workforce.
Crucial to NIEP’s strategy is capitalizing on existing mentor programs to build relationships between community members and students using CIS as a coaching tool. A $10,000 startup grant enables NIEP to replicate the mentorship model in every school district in the 5 northern counties.
Business Leaders Needed! Join the 25 business partners that have already signed up to volunteer with students!