If I had only known then …

My son was 4 years old the day I was told by the preschool director that he was not welcome back unless he was on medication for “ADHD” to control his behavior. Learning disabilities often show themselves in bad behavior & social awkwardness.

I cried driving home as my children played in the backseat, oblivious to what change had just been put into play in our lives. Fast forward a year: I was facing life as a single parent with three children ages 5, 6 and 1. Learning disabilities can affect entire families.

Frustration at homework time, awkwardness at school events, and arguments around medicating vs. non-medicating became our new normal. Our lives were consumed with parent/teacher meetings, counseling appointments, and “strategies” for managing his “disorder.” I use quotes with those words because I now understand that well-meaning people came together to “fix” what was “wrong” with our child.

My heart still breaks when I spend time with my adult son. I see first-hand the impact growing up with a learning disability had on him. He grew into a young adult who still feels different, inadequate and a little broken inside. If there was any way I could have prevented all the damage that occurred, I would have …

If I had known about Brain Integration back then, I could have spared him a lot of that heartache. It is a drug-free approach to remove functional neurological blocks in the brain which contribute to learning disabilities.

INFO: Guest editorial by Diane Minkner, HHP, BIT, AK, QRT