The Wired2Learn Foundation serves an invisible population of students who are falling through the cracks of our public and private education system. These are the 20% of students who have Specific Learning Disabilities (SLDs) such as dyslexia, auditory processing disorder and ADHD.

These children, if they don’t get our help:

  • Are 2-3 times more likely to abuse drugs
  • Half of them will be in trouble with the law
  • Are 3 times more likely to drop out

The Wired2Learn Foundation partners with Wired2Learn Academy, a new school in Post Falls to provide scholarships and tuition assistance. Wired2Learn Academy provides an innovative education model that brings the best of modern brain science into the classroom.

Research shows that with our help, these children can grow up to be have successful lives and incredible innovators that help humanity

Examples include:

  • Richard Branson
  • Leonardo da Vinci
  • Albert Einstein

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  • Visit us at
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